Asantehene Reinstates Destooled Mpasaaso No. 2 Queen

Asantehene Reinstates Destooled Mpasaaso No. 2 Queen

The King of the Asante Kingdom, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has restored the destooled Queen of Mpasaaso No2 to her former position.

She was deposed many years ago by the now-destooled chief of Mpasaaso No2, Nana Amofa Twumasi.

Since her destoolment which happened during the era of Asantehene Opoku Ware II, the female stool of the town has remained vacant.

The sixteenth Occupant of the Golden Stool declared her reinstatement on Monday, March 10, 2025, after the chief was destooled for perjury at a Kumasi Traditional Council meeting.

When asked why the Queen was destooled, Nana Twumasi accused her of gross insubordination and disrespect.

He added, “I tried to enstool a queen but a young man invoked the Great Oath against me. That’s the reason the stool has remained vacant until now.”

However, in his verdict, Otumfuo noted that she courted the chief’s disapproval after she raised concerns about his legitimacy as a non-royal occupant of the stool.

While announcing the destoolment of Nana Twumasi, His Majesty restored to her, her previous position and charged her to go through the traditional processes to select a candidate for the vacant male stool.

Source: Fuseini

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