Ghana Will Be Better If Politicians Follow In The Footsteps Of Otumfuo – Prof. 

A Ghanaian-American linguist, Prof. Samuel Gyasi Obeng has asserted that, Ghana would experience significant improvement if politicians emulate the leadership qualities and actions of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

In an interview on Adomankomasem on June 9, the professor emphasized that Otumfuo’s dedication to development and his positive influence on the Asante Kingdom make him a role model for political leaders.

Speaking about Otumfuo’s approach, he highlighted that unlike traditional chiefs who engaged in physical warfare, Otumfuo focuses on fighting for education and economic advancement.

“When you look at the past, chiefs were involved in physical wars, but Asantehene fights for education and economic development. If our political leaders were to emulate Otumfuo, the country would have been better,” Prof Obeng Gyasi stated, emphasizing the transformative impact that Otumfuo’s leadership style could have on Ghana’s progress.

Furthermore, he commended Otumfuo for his commitment to upholding law and order, expressing his admiration for the recent rulings made by the Asantehene.

According to him, Otumfuo strives to ensure social harmony, which is essential for the nation’s growth and stability.

The professor went on to applaud Otumfuo’s visionary mindset and his ability to devise comprehensive plans to achieve his goals.

“Otumfuo has a clear vision for the Asante Kingdom and knows exactly how to achieve his goals. His commitment to education and development is remarkable,” Prof Obeng Gyasi remarked, highlighting the positive influence of Otumfuo’s leadership on the community.

Story by Adwoa Serwaa Danso

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