IGP Pays Courtesy Call On Otumfuo

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, has paid a courtesy call on the King of the Asante Kingdom, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

He was accompanied by the members of the Police Management Board (POMAB) and the Regional Police Commander.

The IGP indicated that although His Majesty would not prefer all the formality observed for the visit to the Palace due to the bond between the Palace and the Police Service, tradition needed to be upheld and observed.

“We must undertake this very important visit to ascertain the well-being of the King and as well wish him a Happy New Year. Our visit is in accordance with tradition.”

Dr Dampare also expressed his immense appreciation to Otumfuo for his hospitality and unflinching support for the Service at sundry times.

“We are very thankful for his kindness towards us and receiving us in his residence. We pray for strength, peace, and blessings for him.”

The IGP briefed the King about the measures his outfit put in place to ensure utmost peace and tranquillity during the festive season. He said these measures played vital roles in reducing road accidents, robbery, and other crimes in the Ashanti Region and the whole country.

“We put a lot of measures in place, and the effect of these measures is evidenced in the peace that prevailed in the festive season. Some time ago, festive seasons came along with panic and fear due to the high rates of crimes and other unforeseen incidents that accompanied them. With our horses and motor deployment, police visibility and security were enhanced.”

Beyond the festive season, he promised security and police visibility in the region would not be compromised.

As such, he announced horses deployed to the Ashanti Region for patrol would remain in the region and serve as the country’s first regional Mounted Squadron.

The Police boss used the occasion to introduce all members of the POMAB who are solidly behind him in keeping the country safe to Otumfuo.

They included but were not limited to COP Mr. Christian Tetteh Yohuno, the Director-General in charge of Administration; COP Mr. Paul Manly Awini, the Director-General in charge of the National Patrol Department; ACP Grace Ansah-Akrofi, the Director of Public Affairs Directorate; and COP Faustina A. K. Andoh-Kofie, the Director-General of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Expressing his appreciation for the warm visit, His Majesty commended the IGP and the POMAB for their yeoman’s job during the festive season and since taking over the administration of the country’s Police Service.

“Thank you for the exceptional work you have done since you assumed office. The impact of your service to the country is felt in our homes. Ghanaians now know the true definition of security, and that is all because of the sound measures you have in place.”

He added, “You are responsible for maintaining peace while the military is meant for wars. Continue with the good work.”

The establishment of a Mounted Squadron in the region was welcomed by Otumfuo, who will assist the Service in getting a barn to house the horses.

The Occupant of the Golden Stool also urged the police to implement sound policies that will ensure a peaceful and incident-free election in December.

He observes that despite holding general elections for years, there is a lingering sense of panic during such periods.

He also called on the Service to assist in the fight against illegal mining across the country with their expertise to quell the rate.

“Take a look at our river bodies, our lands, and other natural resources which are under siege due to galamsey.”

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