Otumfuo Debunks Presumed Hostility Between Asante And Ga People

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has affirmed there is a rapport between the Asante ethnic group and the Ga tribe.

Until yesterday when Otumfuo debunked, there was a presumed hostility between Ga and Asante- two ethnic groups in Ghana.

During a courtesy call by a delegation from Ga Manste, Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, on September 7, 2023, Otumfuo disclosed his relations with heads of the Ga State to debunk the assumption.

“Asantes and Gas have a lot that unite us. I had a good relationship with Nii Amugi II {the late King} way before I ascended this throne. I used to visit him. I stayed at Abelenkpe and so I used to visit him quite often at Kaneshie.”

Otumfuo said he didn’t cut ties with him when he ascended the Golden Stool in 1999.

“Asantes and Gas have a lot that unite us. I had a good relationship with Nii Amugi II {the late King} way before I ascended this throne. I used to visit him quite often at his residence at Alajo because I stayed at Abelenkpe. Sometimes I visited him at his Palace at Kaneshie.”

With the current leader, he said the friendship still remains.

“There is a collaboration with his successor as well,” he stated and then asserted, “We are one.”

This comes almost a year after Asantehene set the record straight on the relationship between his Kingdom and Ewes.

Speaking at the 2022 Hogbetsotso Za, His Majesty noted that the ill notions about the relationship between the two tribes was fueled by the complexities and vagaries of the body of politics.


The delegation from Ga Mantse was at the Manhyia Palace to officially inform Otumfuo about the death of paramount Queen Mother Naa Dedei Omaedru III; brief him about preparations towards the final funeral rites; and burial of the queen mother; and extend an invitation ho him.

According to the delegation, the signing of the Book of Condolences will end at the beginning of October to make way for the funeral and burial rites from 15 October to 30 October.

It is during this period mourners will be received, they told His Majesty.

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