Otumfuo Continues To Bring Honour To Asanteman – Alan Kyerematen

Former New Patriotic Party (NPP) member, Alan Kyerematen, has commended Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the King of the Asante Kingdom, for his significant contributions and the honour he has continually brought to his people.

He pointed out the King’s prominence during Prince Charles’ coronation and stated, “You witnessed the remarkable prominence he received when interacting with heads of states and nations. Asanteman must truly recognize its immense value and significance. The special attention he received during the coronation highlights this.”

In an interview on Opemsuo Radio’s Nkwantannanso with Kofi Boakye, he extended his prayers for God’s blessings and good health to be bestowed upon Otumfuo.

Furthermore, Alan praised Otumfuo’s wisdom and leadership, noting that even former President John Agyekum Kufuor frequently sought the counsel of the King.

“The wisdom bestowed upon him by God has played a role in resolving crucial issues. This wisdom was particularly evident during President Kufuor’s era when Otumfuo’s counsel was sought to leverage his connections for effective solutions.”

He recounted his personal experience during his tenure as Minister of Trade and Industry, citing the challenges faced with the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).

“For example, during my tenure when we were launching the AFCTA, we encountered several challenges. In those moments of difficulty, we reached out to Otumfuo for assistance. He generously invited the relevant stakeholders to Kumasi, which not only helped us qualify but also secured the headquarters for us. His contribution was indispensable.”

Alan Kyerematen’s words of admiration for Otumfuo Osei Tutu serve as a testament to the King’s significant influence and contributions, not only to Asanteman but to the nation of Ghana as a whole.

Story by Adwoa Serwaa Danso

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