Otumfuo Cuts Cake To Mark 73rd Birthday

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has cut a cake in celebration of his belated birthday at the Manhyia Palace.

He marked his 73rd birthday while on a trip to the United Kingdom (UK) for the coronation of King Charles III.

The surprise celebration which was held at the residence of the King, was organised by traditional rulers in the Kingdom on Saturday, May 13, 2023, following his arrival.

The specially designed cake had the black yellow and green colours of the Asante flag.

Also at the residence of the King was his new age mounted in 4ft LED light up.

Guests including traditional rulers and religious rulers were clad in white during the event.

Joining the King to cut the cake were Asumegyahene, Kontenasehene Barima Ogyeaboɔ Amankwaa Adunan II, Mamponghene Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Bantamahene Baffour Owusu Amankwatia VI and Asafohene Akyamfuor Asafo Boakye Agyeman Bonsu.

Before cutting the cut, the crowd sang a birthday song for him.

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